Z80-MBC: 4 ICs Z80 homebrew computer. PCB Version with CP/M 2.2

Z80-MBC2: Z80 homebrew computer playing Startrek with CP/MПодробнее

Original vs Simple CPM Z80 computers comparisonПодробнее

hello world! on the z80-mbc2 computer running CP/MПодробнее

Contents of the Z80-MBC2 single board computer kitПодробнее

NOMAD80: CP/M on Homemade Z80 ComputerПодробнее

Homebrew Z80 compact board with CP/MПодробнее

Homebrew very compact Z80 board with CP/MПодробнее

Z80 SBC booting CP/MПодробнее

Building a Z80-MBC2 SBCПодробнее

Z80-MBC2: Playing Ladder with the uTerm!Подробнее

Z80 Single Board Computer runs CP/M (better quality)Подробнее

Homebrew Z80 Computer Software DemoПодробнее

Z80-MBC2: Catchum demo mode with the uTermПодробнее

Z80-MBC2 - AUTOEXEC startupПодробнее

Z80-MBC User led and keyПодробнее

Homebrew Z80 first run!Подробнее

CP/M Z80 single board retro computer, on a solderless breadboard (PART 2)Подробнее

Introducing The JAZ80 Z80 Homebrew Retro Computer Part 1Подробнее

Z80 Retro #22 - Differences Between the v3 and v4rc1 PCBsПодробнее