Wikimania 2015 - Wikimania 2016 Esino Lario Presentation

Wikimania 2016-2022 Festival in Esino LarioПодробнее

Wikimania 2016-2022 Festival in Esino Lario

Wikimania 2016: Training workshop "Understanding Copyright"Подробнее

Wikimania 2016: Training workshop 'Understanding Copyright'

WIkimania 2016 Closing CeremonyПодробнее

WIkimania 2016 Closing Ceremony

Wikimania 2016: Wikimedia's annual global conference (Esino Lario, Italy)Подробнее

Wikimania 2016: Wikimedia's annual global conference (Esino Lario, Italy)

Wikimania 2016 - Wikipedia's coverage of medical topics by Lane Raspberry, Fred TotterПодробнее

Wikimania 2016 - Wikipedia's coverage of medical topics by Lane Raspberry, Fred Totter

Wikimania 2016 - Introduction to Wikimedia Phabricator (project management tool) by André KlapperПодробнее

Wikimania 2016 - Introduction to Wikimedia Phabricator (project management tool) by André Klapper

Un data center italiano per Wikimania 2016Подробнее

Un data center italiano per Wikimania 2016

Wikimania 2016 - Gender gap in the global south: lessons from policy and outreach by Rohini LakshanéПодробнее

Wikimania 2016 - Gender gap in the global south: lessons from policy and outreach by Rohini Lakshané

Wikimania 2016 - Wikiversity Journal of Medicine by Mikael HaggestromПодробнее

Wikimania 2016 - Wikiversity Journal of Medicine by Mikael Haggestrom

Wikimania 2016 - Wikipedia Addiction and it's Comorbidites by KritzolinaПодробнее

Wikimania 2016 - Wikipedia Addiction and it's Comorbidites by Kritzolina

Wikimania 2016 - The System of interdependent Wikimedia Projects by Susanna MkrtchyanПодробнее

Wikimania 2016 - The System of interdependent Wikimedia Projects by Susanna Mkrtchyan

Wikimania 2016 - Projects, Starting from Scratch by Isla HaddowПодробнее

Wikimania 2016 - Projects, Starting from Scratch by Isla Haddow

Wikimania 2016 - GLAM by Liam Wyatt, Jane DarnellПодробнее

Wikimania 2016 - GLAM by Liam Wyatt, Jane Darnell

Wikimania 2016 - Contents by Anna TorresПодробнее

Wikimania 2016 - Contents by Anna Torres

Wikimania 2016 - Images and NPOV: A Shaky Relationship by Johan JonsonnПодробнее

Wikimania 2016 - Images and NPOV: A Shaky Relationship by Johan Jonsonn

Wikimania 2016 - Public Policies by Alek Tarkovsky and Ryan MerkeleyПодробнее

Wikimania 2016 - Public Policies by Alek Tarkovsky and Ryan Merkeley

Wikimania 2016 - How the French Wiktionary became a grown-up projectПодробнее

Wikimania 2016 - How the French Wiktionary became a grown-up project

Wikimania 2016 - University Education by Filip MalikovicПодробнее

Wikimania 2016 - University Education by Filip Malikovic

Wikimania 2016 - Wikimedia and the Internet by Ivan Martinez and Pepe FloresПодробнее

Wikimania 2016 - Wikimedia and the Internet by Ivan Martinez and Pepe Flores

Wikimania 2016 - Moving out of the home? MediaWiki Governance RevistedПодробнее

Wikimania 2016 - Moving out of the home? MediaWiki Governance Revisted