Why bacteria out-evolve us with antibiotic resistance | Linus Sandegren | TEDxUppsalaUniversity

Why bacteria out-evolve us with antibiotic resistance | Linus Sandegren | TEDxUppsalaUniversity

Antibiotic Resistance, AnimationПодробнее

Antibiotic Resistance, Animation

The Antibiotic Resistance Crisis: Basic Science to the Rescue | Irene Iscla | TEDxSMUПодробнее

The Antibiotic Resistance Crisis: Basic Science to the Rescue | Irene Iscla | TEDxSMU

Rethinking antibiotic resistance | Alan Kang | TEDxYouth@ASMПодробнее

Rethinking antibiotic resistance | Alan Kang | TEDxYouth@ASM

Antibiotic Resistance: The Next Global Catastrophe | Jacobo Tello | TEDxColegioAngloColombianoПодробнее

Antibiotic Resistance: The Next Global Catastrophe | Jacobo Tello | TEDxColegioAngloColombiano

What causes antibiotic resistance? - Kevin WuПодробнее

What causes antibiotic resistance? - Kevin Wu

Watch antibiotic resistance evolve | Science NewsПодробнее

Watch antibiotic resistance evolve | Science News

Phage Therapy For Fighting Infection. Author of the book "The Living Medicine" Lina ZeldovichПодробнее

Phage Therapy For Fighting Infection. Author of the book 'The Living Medicine' Lina Zeldovich

How bacteria evolve antibiotic resistanceПодробнее

How bacteria evolve antibiotic resistance

Antibiotic Resistance on Surfaces | Robert Potter | TEDxMarquetteHighSchoolПодробнее

Antibiotic Resistance on Surfaces | Robert Potter | TEDxMarquetteHighSchool

Evolution of Resistant BacteriaПодробнее

Evolution of Resistant Bacteria

Our Battle Against Antimicrobial Resistance | Jehoshua Sharma | TEDxGuelphUПодробнее

Our Battle Against Antimicrobial Resistance | Jehoshua Sharma | TEDxGuelphU

The Battle Against Antibiotic Resistance: How Bacteria Evolve and SurviveПодробнее

The Battle Against Antibiotic Resistance: How Bacteria Evolve and Survive

How can we solve the antibiotic resistance crisis? - Gerry WrightПодробнее

How can we solve the antibiotic resistance crisis? - Gerry Wright

Antimicrobial resistance evolved naturally at least 100 years ago in hedgehogsПодробнее

Antimicrobial resistance evolved naturally at least 100 years ago in hedgehogs

Fighting Antibiotic Resistance: Fan LiuПодробнее

Fighting Antibiotic Resistance: Fan Liu

Waging war against antibiotic resistance | Charles Shanley | TEDxDetroitПодробнее

Waging war against antibiotic resistance | Charles Shanley | TEDxDetroit