Voice Deepfake Detection and Graph Neural Networks

Voice Deepfake Detection and Graph Neural Networks

BERT, Knowledge Distillation, GPT and LLMsПодробнее

BERT, Knowledge Distillation, GPT and LLMs

Introduction to NLP: Tokenization, Embeddings, CBOW, BERTПодробнее

Introduction to NLP: Tokenization, Embeddings, CBOW, BERT

On-Device Learning, Domain Adaptation, and Continuous LearningПодробнее

On-Device Learning, Domain Adaptation, and Continuous Learning

Efficient Single-GPU Training and Distributed Deep LearningПодробнее

Efficient Single-GPU Training and Distributed Deep Learning

Classic CV methods, Image Recognition, and Object DetectionПодробнее

Classic CV methods, Image Recognition, and Object Detection

Fine-Tuning, Transfer Learning, Hugging FaceПодробнее

Fine-Tuning, Transfer Learning, Hugging Face

Multi-Modal Networks, Flamingo, CLIP, 3D CVПодробнее

Multi-Modal Networks, Flamingo, CLIP, 3D CV

Explainable AI (Intrinsic, In-Hoc, Post-Hoc Methods), Multi-ModalПодробнее

Explainable AI (Intrinsic, In-Hoc, Post-Hoc Methods), Multi-Modal

Object Detection and Image SegmentationПодробнее

Object Detection and Image Segmentation

Introduction to Deep Learning in Audio and Tasks OverviewПодробнее

Introduction to Deep Learning in Audio and Tasks Overview

Introduction to PyTorch, Training, Optimizers, Learning RateПодробнее

Introduction to PyTorch, Training, Optimizers, Learning Rate

Fully-Connected and Convolutional Neural Networks, ResNetПодробнее

Fully-Connected and Convolutional Neural Networks, ResNet

DL Bootcamp (2024) - IntroductionПодробнее

DL Bootcamp (2024) - Introduction

Improved Logging with WandB, R&D Coding TechniquesПодробнее

Improved Logging with WandB, R&D Coding Techniques

Improving Python and Git WorkflowПодробнее

Improving Python and Git Workflow

Recurrent Neural Networks, Normalization TechniquesПодробнее

Recurrent Neural Networks, Normalization Techniques

Transformer and Attention MechanismПодробнее

Transformer and Attention Mechanism

Deep Learning: the final Frontier for Time Series Analysis?Подробнее

Deep Learning: the final Frontier for Time Series Analysis?