UNDERGROUND SUPER FOB?! Militia Troops Siege an Underground Fortress | Squad Eye in the Sky Gameplay

UNDERGROUND SUPER FOB?! Militia Troops Siege an Underground Fortress | Squad Eye in the Sky Gameplay

INSURGENT SUPER FOB! Insurgents Fight Off Invasion From MASSIVE FOBs | Eye in the Sky Squad GameplayПодробнее

INSURGENT SUPER FOB! Insurgents Fight Off Invasion From MASSIVE FOBs | Eye in the Sky Squad Gameplay

Russian Invaders AMBUSHED by Militia Squads in the Hills of Belaya | Eye in the Sky Squad GameplayПодробнее

Russian Invaders AMBUSHED by Militia Squads in the Hills of Belaya | Eye in the Sky Squad Gameplay

Militia Forces Fight Off USMC Mechanized Assault | Eye in the Sky Squad GameplayПодробнее

Militia Forces Fight Off USMC Mechanized Assault | Eye in the Sky Squad Gameplay

THE MOST COORDINATED INVASION EVER?! UK Troops Stomp Militia in Yeho | Eye in the Sky Squad GameplayПодробнее

THE MOST COORDINATED INVASION EVER?! UK Troops Stomp Militia in Yeho | Eye in the Sky Squad Gameplay

FOREST SUPER FOB! Turks Attack Militia Fortress in Gorodok | Eye in the Sky Squad GameplayПодробнее

FOREST SUPER FOB! Turks Attack Militia Fortress in Gorodok | Eye in the Sky Squad Gameplay

MILITIA SUPER FOB?! HUGE Base Fights Off Canadian Mechanized Units | Squad Eye in the Sky GameplayПодробнее

MILITIA SUPER FOB?! HUGE Base Fights Off Canadian Mechanized Units | Squad Eye in the Sky Gameplay

ISLAND SUPER FOB?! Marines Attack Russian Island Defenses | Eye in the Sky Squad GameplayПодробнее

ISLAND SUPER FOB?! Marines Attack Russian Island Defenses | Eye in the Sky Squad Gameplay

THE BEST FLANK?! US Mechanized Troops Tear Up the Desert | Eye in the Sky Squad GameplayПодробнее

THE BEST FLANK?! US Mechanized Troops Tear Up the Desert | Eye in the Sky Squad Gameplay

CLUTCH INVASION?! Insurgents Desperately Defend Iraqi Airfield | Eye in the Sky Squad GameplayПодробнее

CLUTCH INVASION?! Insurgents Desperately Defend Iraqi Airfield | Eye in the Sky Squad Gameplay

Huge Combined Arms Battle Between Aussie & Russian Troops in Tallil | Eye in the Sky Squad GameplayПодробнее

Huge Combined Arms Battle Between Aussie & Russian Troops in Tallil | Eye in the Sky Squad Gameplay

Militia Troops Use T-62s and Grad Strikes to Fight Off Canadians | Eye in the Sky Squad GameplayПодробнее

Militia Troops Use T-62s and Grad Strikes to Fight Off Canadians | Eye in the Sky Squad Gameplay

This FPS Stealth Mission Is TOO IMMERSIVE! | 4K Ultra Realistic GameplayПодробнее

This FPS Stealth Mission Is TOO IMMERSIVE! | 4K Ultra Realistic Gameplay

MILITIA FORCES TAKE ON THE AUSSIE ARMY | Eye in the Sky Squad 100 Player GameplayПодробнее

MILITIA FORCES TAKE ON THE AUSSIE ARMY | Eye in the Sky Squad 100 Player Gameplay

Militia Troops Ambush Russians with RPGs and DShK MGs | Eye in the Sky Squad 100 Player GameplayПодробнее

Militia Troops Ambush Russians with RPGs and DShK MGs | Eye in the Sky Squad 100 Player Gameplay