TED talk: How to design the circular economy

We must change how we design and build—and we must act now. | Francesco Ranaudo | TEDxStuttgartПодробнее

We must change how we design and build—and we must act now. | Francesco Ranaudo | TEDxStuttgart

Inspirational Circular Business Networks | Scott Valentine | TEDxUniversiti Brunei DarussalamПодробнее

Inspirational Circular Business Networks | Scott Valentine | TEDxUniversiti Brunei Darussalam

Reimagining Tomorrow: Embracing the Circular Economy | Tatiana Gomez | TEDxUniversityofDelawareПодробнее

Reimagining Tomorrow: Embracing the Circular Economy | Tatiana Gomez | TEDxUniversityofDelaware

New technologies for a circular economy | Chris Slootweg | TEDxAUCollegeПодробнее

New technologies for a circular economy | Chris Slootweg | TEDxAUCollege

Designing Sustainable Consumer Behaviour | Ingrid Moons | TEDxKULeuvenПодробнее

Designing Sustainable Consumer Behaviour | Ingrid Moons | TEDxKULeuven

Design or Disaster: TED Speaker Gaya Herrington on Preventing Global CollapseПодробнее

Design or Disaster: TED Speaker Gaya Herrington on Preventing Global Collapse

How designers can use their skills for a sustainable future | Sophie Thomas | TEDxBerlinSalonПодробнее

How designers can use their skills for a sustainable future | Sophie Thomas | TEDxBerlinSalon

Towards a circular future in architecture and design | Sabine De Schutter | TEDxBerlinSalonПодробнее

Towards a circular future in architecture and design | Sabine De Schutter | TEDxBerlinSalon

Make it circular! | Andrea Weber-Hansen & Joel Hügli | TEDxHSLUПодробнее

Make it circular! | Andrea Weber-Hansen & Joel Hügli | TEDxHSLU

Designing for Regenerative Futures | Muhammad Aziz | TEDxPristinePrivateSchoolПодробнее

Designing for Regenerative Futures | Muhammad Aziz | TEDxPristinePrivateSchool

Sustainable Design | Tejas Shyam | TEDxStMirasCollegeПодробнее

Sustainable Design | Tejas Shyam | TEDxStMirasCollege

What is the future of travel? | Ivaylo Lefterov | TEDxVitoshaПодробнее

What is the future of travel? | Ivaylo Lefterov | TEDxVitosha

Making sustainable changes, sustainably | Mrudula Joshi | TEDxPSGTechПодробнее

Making sustainable changes, sustainably | Mrudula Joshi | TEDxPSGTech

After This, You Will Think Differently About 2050 Circular Economy | Miriam Janke | TEDxYouth@ESRMПодробнее

After This, You Will Think Differently About 2050 Circular Economy | Miriam Janke | TEDxYouth@ESRM

Circular Economy & Climate Change | Amy Aussieker | TEDxWakeForestUПодробнее

Circular Economy & Climate Change | Amy Aussieker | TEDxWakeForestU

We cannot recycle our way out of it: the circular economy is the answer | Melissa Seeley | TEDxEdinaПодробнее

We cannot recycle our way out of it: the circular economy is the answer | Melissa Seeley | TEDxEdina

How you can contribute to a circular plastic economy | Johannes Daae | TEDxOsloMetПодробнее

How you can contribute to a circular plastic economy | Johannes Daae | TEDxOsloMet

How to rethink our model with circular economy | Gaëtane Lemarchand | TEDxEDHECBusinessSchoolПодробнее

How to rethink our model with circular economy | Gaëtane Lemarchand | TEDxEDHECBusinessSchool

Diversity by Design | Jo Chidley | TEDxGlasgowSalonПодробнее

Diversity by Design | Jo Chidley | TEDxGlasgowSalon

How to build the circular economy of the future | Marlene Johler | TEDxTUWienПодробнее

How to build the circular economy of the future | Marlene Johler | TEDxTUWien