Rare Bronze Burmese Pyu Buddha Statue

Bronze Pyu Buddha StatueПодробнее

16-17th century Antique Burmese Ava Buddha statueПодробнее

Large original bronze Pyu Buddha statueПодробнее

Original bronze Pagan Buddha statueПодробнее

Special bronze Pyu Buddha statue - Antique Buddha StatuesПодробнее

Very special bronze Burmese Arakan Buddha statueПодробнее

15-16th century Special bronze Ava Buddha statue - For SaleПодробнее

Old bronze crowned Buddha statueПодробнее

Antique Burmese alabaster Buddha statueПодробнее

Special antique alabaster Mandalay Buddha statueПодробнее

Bronze casting of Buddha images in Burma/MyanmarПодробнее

Antique Shan Buddha Statue made up of Lacquerware in BurmaПодробнее

Antique bronze Mon Buddha statueПодробнее

Extremely rare Burmese BuddhaПодробнее

Antique bronze Mandalay Buddha statueПодробнее

Old bronze Bodhisattva statueПодробнее

Restoration Buddha Images in BurmaПодробнее

19th century Burmese Buddha Made of bronze Originating from BurmaПодробнее

19th century antique Mandalay period bronze Buddha statue from Burma in Bhumisparsha MudraПодробнее