PIT@MIL: Lucroy singles to put Brewers on the board

PIT@MIL: Lucroy singles to put Brewers on the board

PIT@MIL: Lucroy singles to plate two, take the leadПодробнее

PIT@MIL: Lucroy singles to plate two, take the lead

KC@MIL: Lucroy's double gets the Brewers on the boardПодробнее

KC@MIL: Lucroy's double gets the Brewers on the board

CIN@MIL: Braun singles to center, plates LucroyПодробнее

CIN@MIL: Braun singles to center, plates Lucroy

MIL@PIT: Lucroy's RBI single gives Brewers early leadПодробнее

MIL@PIT: Lucroy's RBI single gives Brewers early lead

MIL@PIT: Davis belts single, puts Brewers on boardПодробнее

MIL@PIT: Davis belts single, puts Brewers on board

ARI@MIL: Lucroy homers to get the Brewers on boardПодробнее

ARI@MIL: Lucroy homers to get the Brewers on board

PIT@MIL: Lucroy singles to left to take a late leadПодробнее

PIT@MIL: Lucroy singles to left to take a late lead

PIT@MIL: Lucroy lines single to score Herrera in 2ndПодробнее

PIT@MIL: Lucroy lines single to score Herrera in 2nd

MIL@PIT: Lucroy opens the scoring with single to leftПодробнее

MIL@PIT: Lucroy opens the scoring with single to left

MIL@PIT: Lucroy lines a two-out RBI single to centerПодробнее

MIL@PIT: Lucroy lines a two-out RBI single to center

MIL@SF: Braun plates Lucroy with single in the 9thПодробнее

MIL@SF: Braun plates Lucroy with single in the 9th

PIT@MIL: Brewers broadcast on Lucroy vetoing tradeПодробнее

PIT@MIL: Brewers broadcast on Lucroy vetoing trade

MIL@PIT: Lucroy drives in two, extends lead in 6thПодробнее

MIL@PIT: Lucroy drives in two, extends lead in 6th

PIT@MIL: Lucroy pads Brewers' lead with RBI doubleПодробнее

PIT@MIL: Lucroy pads Brewers' lead with RBI double

MIL@STL: Overbay singles to put Brewers on the boardПодробнее

MIL@STL: Overbay singles to put Brewers on the board

MIL@STL: Lucroy ties the game on a single to centerПодробнее

MIL@STL: Lucroy ties the game on a single to center

PIT@MIL: Lucroy pokes a two-run single into rightПодробнее

PIT@MIL: Lucroy pokes a two-run single into right

MIL@PHI: Brewers get on the board on Lucroy's doubleПодробнее

MIL@PHI: Brewers get on the board on Lucroy's double

MIL@STL: Lucroy singles to left, plates Reed in 6thПодробнее

MIL@STL: Lucroy singles to left, plates Reed in 6th