MIA@WSH: Realmuto singles to center to plate two more

MIA@WSH: Realmuto singles to center to plate two more

MIA@WSH: Fernandez lines single to center, scores twoПодробнее

MIA@WSH: Fernandez lines single to center, scores two

MIA@TB: Realmuto plates two with a single to rightПодробнее

MIA@TB: Realmuto plates two with a single to right

MIA@WSH: Realmuto plates Valdespin to pad the leadПодробнее

MIA@WSH: Realmuto plates Valdespin to pad the lead

MIA@WSH: Prado plates Dietrich with single to centerПодробнее

MIA@WSH: Prado plates Dietrich with single to center

MIA@TB: Realmuto plates two with a single to rightПодробнее

MIA@TB: Realmuto plates two with a single to right

ARI@MIA: Yelich plates Realmuto on single to centerПодробнее

ARI@MIA: Yelich plates Realmuto on single to center

MIA@MIL: Realmuto lines a two-run single to centerПодробнее

MIA@MIL: Realmuto lines a two-run single to center

MIA@WSH: Realmuto throws out Werth at secondПодробнее

MIA@WSH: Realmuto throws out Werth at second

MIA@WSH: Hechavarria singles in RealmutoПодробнее

MIA@WSH: Hechavarria singles in Realmuto

MIA@LAD: Realmuto plates a run with a single to rightПодробнее

MIA@LAD: Realmuto plates a run with a single to right

WSH@MIA: Realmuto lines RBI single into rightПодробнее

WSH@MIA: Realmuto lines RBI single into right

MIA@WSH: Ozuna singles to center to score two runsПодробнее

MIA@WSH: Ozuna singles to center to score two runs

MIA@TB: Realmuto's first MLB hit gives Marlins a leadПодробнее

MIA@TB: Realmuto's first MLB hit gives Marlins a lead

WSH@MIA: Stanton plates J.T. Realmuto with a singleПодробнее

WSH@MIA: Stanton plates J.T. Realmuto with a single

MIA@CHC: Realmuto plates McGehee with single to rightПодробнее

MIA@CHC: Realmuto plates McGehee with single to right

MIA@TB: Johnson plates Realmuto with a single to leftПодробнее

MIA@TB: Johnson plates Realmuto with a single to left

MIA@WSH: Realmuto bloops a single to drive in a runПодробнее

MIA@WSH: Realmuto bloops a single to drive in a run

MIA@SF: Riddle plates a pair with single to centerПодробнее

MIA@SF: Riddle plates a pair with single to center

MIA@WSH: Realmuto pops RBI single to rightПодробнее

MIA@WSH: Realmuto pops RBI single to right