Bluetooth MIT Inventor App Control ESP32 module.

Control LED with Arduino & Bluetooth | MIT App Inventor से LED ON/OFF! 🔥 #Arduino #Shorts#MITInventrПодробнее

Bluetooth RGB controller app | MIT app inventorПодробнее

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Multiple servo motor control via bluetooth using arduinoПодробнее

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Control Your ESP32 with DIY Android App via Bluetooth and APP InventorПодробнее

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Control a lamp connected to the ESP32 board via BluetoothПодробнее

How to make MIT Android app to control Wi-Fi LED on node MCU by Manmohan PalПодробнее

Create a BLE app for your mobile phone! Control an ESP32 with BLEПодробнее

Arduino Bluetooth LED Controller with Android HC-05 Bluetooth Module | MIT App InventorПодробнее

HC-05 Bluetooth Module with Arduino : Mit app inventorПодробнее

Control an LED connected to the ESP32 board by a smartphone via BluetoothПодробнее

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Control your ESP32 with Bluetooth, create an app in AppInventor and use voice commands.Подробнее

453 Use your Arduino and ESP32/ESP8266 from your Smartphone. No Cloud! (RemoteXY)Подробнее

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